There are some sites and services that look pretty on the outside but offer little in terms of user experience when you actually sign up.
I realize that
Cafetalk is becoming one of those sites.
Don't get me wrong - we have a LOT of users who benefit from our service.
Cafetalk has a little over 2000 students registered. I know that's not much, but many of them have taken the trouble to thank us for making it possible for them to find the "perfect" teacher at a reasonable price.
That's truly satisfying.
I know it probably has little to do with our service (there are many out there just like Cafetalk) but more to do with the fact that many of our tutors really put in the time and effort to provide students with a great learning experience. Nevertheless, it's good to know that at least some people like what we've created.
And it's not just the students. Many tutors are now constantly making more than $150 a month on our site, and the most popular folks rake in over $400. Again, that's not much. But for many tutors who are doing this part time it's not such a negligible income after all.
But are we doing enough?
Probably not.
Well, definitely not.
As many of you are probably feeling, there's something "decaf" about Cafetalk.
For starters, there's the fact that we don't communicate with you enough.
The repercussions being that you don't know what we (the little green men who run the site) are thinking or where we intend to take this. And more importantly many of you probably need some guidance in order to get more students.
So yes, we admit we've not been doing as much as we should. Not so much because we're lazy, but because there are simply not enough resources to get everything done.
Cafetalk has no permanent staff. It's being patched together by a bunch of contributors who work part time to keep things afloat.
But that's just an excuse, and that *will* change.
Because more people are starting to derive benefit from this service we figure it's time to crank up our engines and get things rolling, so to speak.
So this is our first jab at making things better. Firstly, by creating a channel through which we can communicate with all you tutors. And also maybe provide a venue for you to vent through comments (please, please keep the criticism constructive).
Secondly we hope to constantly give tips on how you can improve your quality of service. We see a lot of things tutors are doing right that gets them the students and the retention level they deserve. But we also see a lot of tutors who could do a lot better if they did just a few things differently.
That's the gist of why we suddenly decide to do this "caffeination" blog after years of silence.
So stay tuned and let us know what
you want to know, and we'll try our best to answer.
We have absolutely nothing against decaf in case some were offended :)